Dear Church,
Thank you for keeping the supply lines strong and prayer channels open as we enter another month of ministry in Astoria, Oregon! Rain falls nearly every day here with no signs of stopping. I thank God we were able to put a roof on our house last summer. This one doesn’t leak at all, and we thank the Lord for that! I recently called a few supporting churches, and the pastors of those churches encouraged my heart greatly. It is so wonderful to know you are reading, praying, giving, and being faithful in your areas of outreach! I’m sure the same is true for each of our supporters.
About one year ago a young man trusted Christ as Savior and was baptized at Anchor Baptist Church. I have prayed for his family over the past year and on Resurrection Sunday in April his family came to church. I went to visit his parents the following Saturday and both of them trusted Jesus to save them! I was so excited about this decision but even more excited when they came to church the following Sunday! When they both came to church the Sunday after that and got baptized, I was jumping out of my skin with joy! This has been an extremely difficult year. We have been viciously attacked through lies, gossip, and harassment from people who claim to be born again. While experiencing perhaps the hardest year of ministry we have ever faced, God blessed in a great way right when we needed that encouragement! He is faithful!
The same Sunday we baptized, another couple came to church and walked in right at our 1 o’clock start time. I had never met them before, but they listened attentively through the preaching. They also stayed after the service to watch the baptisms. After I dried off, I had an opportunity to talk with them and introduce myself. We opened the Bible using the John and Romans provided to us by Bearing Precious Seed in Milford Ohio and read the story of salvation. The young man received the message with an open heart. Together we kneeled at the altar as he gave his soul to Jesus! The young lady believes she is saved but is examining her life and understanding. Together they have been reading the Bible and they could certainly use your prayer! Thank you for helping them and sending a missionary with the gospel! Three souls in one month is some kind of a miracle! We are so glad the attackers were unsuccessful, and the Lord did not allow them to prevail!
The building we are renting is currently up for sale for nearly 1 million dollars. We need a building, and their church is dissolved. I asked them to give us the building, but they want to sell it and give the money to a denomination. Please ask God to GIVE us this building. We don’t want to buy it; we want the Lord to give it to us. James tells us we have not because we ask not. Will you ask God to give us this building? Ask often and earnestly for we will use this facility to the honor and glory of God and to see souls saved and lives changed from darkness to light. This is a wicked corner of America with a desperate need for a Bible-believing Baptist Church. In closing, we are planning a revival service July 9-13. If the building sells, we must improvise a place to meet. If you could visit the meeting or support it financially it would be great! Pastor Bo. Smith will be preaching, and we are so excited about that. Come to Astoria for preaching, singing and fellowship!