September 2023
SEPTEMBER 2023 Prayer LetterPDF Download Dear Church, Thank you for taking time to read this letter and pray for our work here in Astoria. It is a privilege to labor together with you in the ministry. We are so grateful for your continued support as the economy under...
August 2023 Prayer Letter
AUGUST 2023 Prayer Letter PDF Download Dear Church, August was an encouraging month for us, and we were refreshed to enjoy sunshine, several visitors at church, answers to prayer, and making family memories. Our boys have also been growing both physically and...
July 2023 Prayer Letter
JULY 2023 Prayer LetterPDF Download Dear Church, The summer months are always a welcome change for us from the typical drizzling rain in Astoria. We love this dry weather and moderately warm temperature and wish it would continue all the way to October. Thank you for...
MAY/JUN 2023
Dear Church, MAY_JUN 2023 Prayer LetterPDF Download I usually send a letter every month, but this letter includes May through June. So much has happened and I will try to fit in as much as possible....
April 2023 Prayer Letter
APR_2023 Prayer LetterPDF Download Dear Church, Thank you for keeping the supply lines strong and prayer channels open as we enter another month of ministry in Astoria, Oregon! Rain falls nearly every day here with no signs of stopping. I thank God we were able to put...
March 2023 Prayer Letter
Dear Church, MAR_2023-1PDF Download Greetings once again from the land as far north and west as one can travel in Oregon. We appreciate those who sent cards, e-mails, and texts reminding us of your prayers for us and for the Lord’s work to be done here in Astoria....
JAN/FEB 2023 Prayer Letter
JAN/FEB 2023PDF Download Cost-EstimatePDF Download Dear Church, Thank you for continuing to read these letters, pray for us, and send support each month. We had several good visits on door-to-door visitation over the past couple months and have shared the gospel both...